Patterson: Houses of Aotearoa

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1 640 Kč
1 640 Kč
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A selection of beautiful houses set amid the world’s most stunning landscapes, designed by award-winning New Zealand architect Andrew Patterson.

In Maori culture, architecture is approached as a construction of beliefs: a building must emulate and amplify personalities, hopes and aspirations, becoming the physical expression of those who inhabit it. These ideas are the inspirations behind the house projects of New Zealand architect Andrew Patterson, who has been designing houses and civic projects in the country for nearly thirty-five years and who was awarded the New Zealand Institute of Architects 2017 Gold Medal.

This book showcases seventeen of Patterson’s recent houses, in some of the most dramatic locations in New Zealand, from stunning seascape retreats to hillside cabins. Each house reveals how Patterson’s architecture responds to the region’s breathtaking landscapes to tell the story of the country’s cultural history and to create a sense of place and belonging. This fully illustrated, large-format overview is interspersed with thematic sectionsthat present Patterson’s key influences and the culture and lifestyles of New Zealand more broadly, particularly Maori language, history and mythology.


About the Author

Andrew Patterson is the director of Patterson Associates. An Auckland University Distinguished Alumni, he is a guest professor at Unitec and a Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Architects (FNZIA). He is currently a member of the Auckland and Queenstown Urban Design Panels and President of the Auckland Architecture Association.
Vazba: pevná
Počet stran: 272
Formát: 26 x 30 cm
Rok vydání: 2023

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Patterson: Houses of Aotearoa
Patterson: Houses of Aotearoa
Patterson: Houses of Aotearoa
Patterson: Houses of Aotearoa
Patterson: Houses of Aotearoa
Patterson: Houses of Aotearoa
Patterson: Houses of Aotearoa
Patterson: Houses of Aotearoa
Patterson: Houses of Aotearoa
Patterson: Houses of Aotearoa
Patterson: Houses of Aotearoa
Patterson: Houses of Aotearoa

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