Little Book of Chanel by Lagerfeld

Běžná cena
449 Kč
449 Kč
Běžná cena
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The House of Chanel is synonymous with not one, but two, iconic designers. First there was Gabrielle, and then there was Karl.

Chanel is a house known for its signatures that not only changed the course of fashion history but still resonate today – the Little Black Dress, the tweed suit, costume jewellery, Chanel No5. These signatures were inspired by Gabrielle Chanel's taste, life experience and travels – but it was Karl Lagerfeld who took these signatures and ingeniously adapted them for the twenty-first century woman. From his first days at the helm of Chanel in the 1980s, to his creative application of the Chanel logo to everything from biker boots to a space rocket, King Karl's reign at Chanel is nothing if not legendary.

Little Book of Chanel by Lagerfeld covers his most exquisite pieces, breathtaking catwalk shows and constant reinvention that have maintained Chanel as the most illustrious couture house in the world. Written by the bestselling author of Little Book of Chanel, this beautifully illustrated book is the essential guide to Lagerfeld's tenure at Chanel.


About the Author

Emma Baxter-Wright has taught fashion journalism at the University of the Arts, London and UCA. She has contributed to many publications including the New York ObserverCosmopolitan and Marie Claire, and is the bestselling author of Little Book of Chanel. Emma lives in Gloucestershire, England.

Vazba: pevná
Počet stran: 160
Formát: 12,2 x 18,3 cm
Rok vydání: 2022

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Little Book of Chanel by Lagerfeld
Little Book of Chanel by Lagerfeld
Little Book of Chanel by Lagerfeld
Little Book of Chanel by Lagerfeld
Little Book of Chanel by Lagerfeld
Little Book of Chanel by Lagerfeld
Little Book of Chanel by Lagerfeld
Little Book of Chanel by Lagerfeld
Little Book of Chanel by Lagerfeld
Little Book of Chanel by Lagerfeld
Little Book of Chanel by Lagerfeld
Little Book of Chanel by Lagerfeld
Little Book of Chanel by Lagerfeld
Little Book of Chanel by Lagerfeld
Little Book of Chanel by Lagerfeld
Little Book of Chanel by Lagerfeld
Little Book of Chanel by Lagerfeld

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