Collaborations: A Houston Penthouse

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1 590 Kč
1 590 Kč
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  • The principals on the project showcase their highly refined work for a Houston-based luxury penthouse, set atop the stunning Arabella building
  • Writer Saxon Henry provides detailed narratives on each space, including wonderful anecdotes with each of the multitude of artisans and craftspeople commissioned to create tailored pieces for the residence
  • Scores of makers and artists feature in the book, along with details of the process for designing the interiors, materials chosen, and furniture and art object placement
  • Includes hundreds of richly detailed, full-colour photographs, including lavish gatefolds

This beautifully illustrated large-format monograph reveals how multi-disciplinary architectural firm 212box has crafted a luxurious and bespoke penthouse suite in Houston, Texas. The principals on the project collaborated with more than 50 talented artisans and craftspeople ― from sculptors to cabinetmakers to painters and ceramicists, among many others ― to create beautifully designed interiors, including furniture, materials, and art objects.

The project illustrates how artisanal elements curated during a collaboration between the firm and the homeowner patrons inherently coalesced into nuanced interiors. Set atop of the stunning Arabella building, overlooking the magnificent Houston skyline, this elegant penthouse includes exquisite materiality, detailing, and craftsmanship, from special sliding doors, a uniquely positioned curiosity cabinet, and stunning objets d'art that are tailored to each room, which all together create wonderful stories that connect the residents with an eye for their own collections, their vision and ambiance for each space, and the energy within their home.

Along with presenting the building containing the penthouse and the residence itself, renowned writer and journalist Saxon Henry exquisitely introduces readers to each maker as a character in a story. Each space elicits its own experience.


About the Author

In just two decades, 212box has amassed a showcase of multi-disciplinary designs across the United States, Europe, Australia, and Asia. The firm's work is wide ranging, featuring luxury interiors and design objects, bespoke residential homes and buildings, prominent marine and aviation projects, upmarket retail boutiques, and commercial and hospitality landmarks.
Saxon Henry has written for myriad publications during her career as a journalist, including The New York Times and a number of interior design and travel magazines. She is a seasoned author with a passion for storytelling.
Vazba: pevná
Počet stran: 316
Formát: 30,5 x 30,5 cm
Rok vydání: 2023

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Collaborations: A Houston Penthouse
Collaborations: A Houston Penthouse
Collaborations: A Houston Penthouse
Collaborations: A Houston Penthouse
Collaborations: A Houston Penthouse
Collaborations: A Houston Penthouse
Collaborations: A Houston Penthouse
Collaborations: A Houston Penthouse
Collaborations: A Houston Penthouse
Collaborations: A Houston Penthouse
Collaborations: A Houston Penthouse
Collaborations: A Houston Penthouse
Collaborations: A Houston Penthouse

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